Day 24 Completed...
When I started this blog as well as this 40 day challenge - my goal was to teach people how to go from fear to love. But as I go through my own experiences, I realize it can be difficult to to perceive situations with love. Our initial reaction is fear.
Like today there was a situation where I got angry at my friend (in my heart I knew I shouldn't be thinking this way, I should look into this situation with love) but I could not. Because of this negativity, I received another bad news and then another. I was on a spiral of attracting negative energy because of that one negative thought I created.
So still feeling all these negative thoughts, I kept saying to myself - I need to choose differently. I have a choice and I need to see this with love. I had to go out, start walking or dancing or jumping to get myself out of this. So I went to the gym and started running on the treadmill and I kept telling myself - I choose love over this, I surrender this fear to my inner guide. After 31mins on the treadmill - I was calm and like magic I started thinking about everything in such a positive way - I did it. I was back to love.
I know it can be hard but we need to commit to this thinking and do it everyday, every minute, every second.
The way I come back to love when I'm thrown into this deep hole is keep telling myself I choose love over fear and most importantly surrender that fear.