Life Journey To Love

To New Beginnings


Photo Caption - looking for a new book shelf for my new apt

Skirt by H&M

Top by H&M

Shoes by Keds

Handbag by Louis Vutton

Since I completed my 40 day challenge and made the daily habits part of my life, I have noticed how easily I am able to connect on a spiritual level and able to hear the guidance I receive from my spirit angels and inner guide.  I am also able to see the wonderful gifts I have in my life and I thank the Universe everyday for it.

My complains have become gratitude. I feel more blessed everyday.  Since I have started doing this, learning to trust, believe, have un-wavering faith, visualizing etc - I have been receiving so many blessings from the Universe, the perfect job I wanted, moving into a bigger apartment, everything is just falling into place.

While I did get scared when I started receiving all the blessings. I had feeling of sadness leaving my current job and the change seemed like a scary monster to me. I have always welcomed change but this time around it was hard to look beyond my sadness. My ego finally figured out a way to break me and I stopped meditating and praying for a few days. But today - I decided to pray, meditate and connect with my spirit angels again. When I did this - I asked why am I in fear - a voice within me said - "Because you stopped connecting to spirituality". It told me it has my back and everything I am receiving is a blessing, it is time for me to enjoy what the Universe is delivering to me.

Never again will I ever stop connecting.

Sat Nam!

4 thoughts on “Benefits Experienced by bringing in Law of Attraction into my life

  1. Designed to help you visualize yourself completing an action or achieving a goal over and over again, until your subjective belief is altered and your visualization becomes a reality. Attract real abundance through this hypnosis. Katherine Hurst used to live a normal life until something happened that changed her life forever. She discovered the Law of Attraction and began a new, life-changing chapter. She now runs the world’s largest Law of Attraction community with millions of followers. Her mission is to share her own experiences to inspire change and happiness in the lives of all.

  2. Long time supporter, and thought I’d drop a comment.

    Your wordpress site is very sleek – hope you don’t mind me asking
    what theme you’re using? (and don’t mind if I steal it?

    I just launched my site –also built in wordpress like yours– but the theme slows (!) the site down quite a bit.

    In case you have a minute, you can find it by searching for “royal cbd”
    on Google (would appreciate any feedback) – it’s still in the works.

    Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!

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