Life Journey To Love

To New Beginnings


Day 33 and 34 Completed Successfully.

It is true we cannot always live in the light. Ego works in a lot of tricky ways and the deep rooted thoughts that has been with us since childhood becomes difficult to change to positive thoughts. But these egoistic thoughts become easier to change only when we practice good/ positive thoughts in a daily basis. Change comes by only if we are able to change something in our habits daily.

I had a very bad half day yesterday when I failed to turn the fear I had in myself into love.  But at then end (even though it took me a half day to turn this around) I got there. How? Simply because this daily practice helps me. The positive thoughts you get when you are on your yoga mat, or when you are meditating, or when you are in the gym....we are wired in such a way that once we start doing these things on a daily basis - it becomes easier to turn back to love.

I bought flowers for myself today because I felt I deserved it after a rough day yesterday battling with my fear. Self love is a priority - it makes me happy.

I am so glad I am on this journey. Even though I am 6days away from completing my 40 day challenge, I feel I have already made these new tasks a habit. Now if I don't practice any of these - I feel there is something missing in my day.

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